


Deciding which songs to have played at your own funeral can be difficult. It can be even more difficult for the recently bereaved to decide which songs may be suitable.  iTunes is the most popular MP3 software in the world. It is also the only MP3 software that works with Apple iPhones and iPads. This simple tutorial highlights how you can use an iTunes playlist to help decide which songs should be played at a funeral.


Using an iTunes '25 most played' playlist to decide which songs should be played at a funeral


To find out the most played songs in the deceased's iTunes library simply follow the three steps below. Once completed you may have a better idea as to which songs would be best suited for an upcoming funeral, celebration of life or wake.


1) Open iTunes on the computer, laptop or mobile phone previously owned by the deceased



 or iTunes blue or iTunes old.jjpg


The iTunes icon is likely to be found in the 'Programs' folder if you are using Windows machine or within the 'Applications' folder is you are using a Mac. If you are accessing the playlist through a mobile phone is may be saved in a multitude of different locations or folders.

The icon for the iTunes often includes a musical note within it. Three common examples of how the iTunes logo may appear can be viewed above. Once you have found the application double click on the icon to open up the software.


2) Find the '25 most played' songs


Once you have opened iTunes you should see the ‘Playlists’ category on the lefthand side. In the ‘Playlists’ subcategory you will be able find the ‘Top 25 Most Played’ playlist. This playlist lists the 25 most listened to songs within the account. It also stages states the number of times each song has been listened to by the account owner. 


 iTunes to decide which funeral song should be played


3) Listen to songs within the playlist to find a suitable song


You may want to listen all the songs in the 'Top 25 most played' playlist. This may help you and others to decide which song(s) should feature at a funeral, celebration of life or wake.

spotify icon




The process above cannot be applied to Spotify. This is because Spotify do not (at the time of writing) display their users 'most played songs'. They do however allow users to 'star' songs they like. You may want to open Spotify and play the songs that have been 'stared' by the deceased.


Spotify Stared


*We hope that you found this tutorial of interest and value.


Other funeral tutorials that utilise technology


Technology is playing an increasingly important role in funerals across the globe. You may find some of our funeral-tech tutorials below of interest.  



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