Below is a new documentary by CNN. It explores different options and approaches to death in today's digital world. We were included after being contacted by CNN last year. The cemetery referenced is Highgate Cemetery.
We are currently making a number of changes to DeadSocial and what we provide. Please excuse anytime downtime that may occur over the coming weeks.
- To view the datasets in more detail roll your computer cursor over each chart of interest.
- If you have a slow internet connection it may take a few moments for each chart to appear.
- Feel free to share this Infographic on your website and across your social media sites.
- When embedding this Infographic the length may stretch your page. If you have formatting issues try and change the length/height to 5062 (height="5062) .
"There are now over 30 million dead people on Facebook, so what happens when we leave that digital representation of ourselves behind? This film delves into the explosion of ways in which to store, advance, digitise and personalise our very own digital legacies. From avatars and holograms, to androids and algorithms that can tweet on our behalf from beyond the grave. We are now no longer resting in peace, we are resting in pixels".
The BBC recently filmed the documentary 'Rest in Pixels' across a range of locations. It includes footage of DeadSocial's website and our pop-up digital legacy booth (in a VW van in East London). The documentary also includes insights from our friend, Lucy Watts MBE
The Digital Legacy Conference 2016 will take place at St Joseph’s Hospice this Saturday. We look forward to welcoming a range experts and professionals to our annual event both as conference speakers and as attendees.
Our conference aims to explore developments within the UK and across the globe in areas relating to digital assets and digital legacy. The draft speaker schedule can be viewed below. Please be aware that the times stated are subject to change.
1.30pm – Doors open
1.30pm-2.10pm – Networking for early birds.
2.10pm-2.15pm Introduction from Peter Billingham (Death Goes Digital) the MC for this year’s conference.
2.15pm Seminars begin
2.15pm-2.30pm – James Norris (Digital Legacy Association & DeadSocial).
2.30pm-2.45pm – Gary Rycroft (Joseph A. Jones, Dying Matters Chairman).
2.45pm-3.00pm – Jane Harris Edmonds (Filmmaker, a bereaved parent, Member of Dying Matters/ NCPC People in Partnership Group, Good Grief).
3.00pm-3.15pm – Dr Mark Taubert Palliative Care Doctor, Editor for BMJ Supportive & Palliatve Care, DeadSocial Non-Exec Director and Huffington Post blogger).
3.15pm- 3.30pm – Quick break, pizza, pasta and beverages
3.30pm–4.45pm: TBA.
4.45pm-5.00pm: TBA.
5.00pm-5.30pm: Peter Billingham (Death Goes Digital).
5.30pm-6pm spill over time, drinks and networking.
We hope that you can join us. Tickets are free however they need to be reserved before Saturday. Tickets can be reserved by clicking here.
The Digital Legacy Conference is an event ran by DeadSocial and The Digital Legacy Association taking place during Dying Matters Awareness Week.
‘I rejoice that death has become less of a taboo subject in our conversations. In this timely book you will discover precious wisdom and heartfelt insights from people of all walks of life…As I have listened to these voices, I have found reassurance and enlightenment. I know this book will offer the same gifts to you whether you believe in a transition to a new life or contemplate the beyond with some uncertainty. I commend it highly.’ – from the foreword by Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu
Contributors from all walks of life share their thoughts on carefully selected writings, images and artwork that most accurately express death to them. Describing their unique experiences, they reveal that, beyond the heartache and the mystery, death teaches us all invaluable lessons about how we live our lives. Offering comfort, reassurance and varied insights into death, loss and its impact on life, this collection is for anyone who might be coming to terms with this inevitable destination. Royalty proceeds from the book will be donated to Ashgate Hospicecare, North Derbyshire, UK.
Last year James Norris (DeadSocial's founder) was asked by the author to contribute some of his experiences on death. James decided to speak about his good friend and former university housemate Ben Birch who died of Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (S.A.D.S) in 2013.
Ben (above – being carried, thumb placed in mouth) was an avid football fan. He also played Fantasy Football (a online football game) each week during the football season. After Ben’s death a mutual friend from University called Andrew Hadley (above holding Ben) created a memorial league in Ben’s honour.
James’ contribution revolves around the personal value he places on this league. A matter of life and death will go on sale on the 18th August 2016. You can preorder you copy on Amazon here.
We will be presenting and showcasing some of our work at Dying Matters launch event on Monday. The conference is being held at the Holiday Inn, Regents Park London. The full agenda can be found below:
- 9.30 Registration and refreshments
- 10.30 Chair’s introduction
- Tony Bonser, NCPC Trustee
- 10.45 Overview of Dying Matters Awareness Week and launch of 2016 resources
- Claire Henry MBE, Chief Executive, NCPC & Dying Matters
- 11.05 Practical tips for getting people to take action during
- Awareness Week – Chaired by Gary Rycroft, Chair of Dying Matters and Solicitor
- Supporting and protecting vulnerable people when planning ahead
- Martyn James, Head of Media, Financial Ombudsman Service
- Why financial planning is so important
- Sarah Pennells, Personal finance journalist and author
- Planning for your care and support and what to discuss with health professionals
- Di Laverty, Nurse Consultant in Palliative Care, St Joseph’s Hospice
- Funeral planning and engaging with funeral directors
- Fran Glover and Carrie Weekes, A Natural Undertaking
- Digital legacy
- James Norris, DeadSocial
- 12.05 Break and refreshments
- 12.25 The Big Conversation with Dying Matters members
- Interactive networking session – opportunity for Dying Matters Members to get ideas and
- share tips with each other on Awareness Week plans & activities
- 13.20 Lunch
- 14.20 The Big Conversation during Dying Matters Awareness Week
- Taking the Big Conversation to the high street
- Maggie Fay, Practice Educator at LOROS hospice in Leicester
- Katy Harrison, End of Life Care Facilitator, Peterborough Community Services
- Having a Big Conversation online and on social media
- Sarah Stone, Website Editor and Social Media Manager, Dying Matters Coalition
- Getting your local community to engage in a Big Conversation
- Rachel Zammit, Cheshire Living Well, Dying Well Partnership
- Running your own death café
- Jon Underwood, Founder, Death Cafe
- Engaging with people who have been bereaved
- Jane Harris, Therapist, a filmmaker, a bereaved parent and Member of Dying Matters/
- NCPC People in Partnership Group
- 15.20 Chair’s concluding remarks
- 15.30 Close
We will be taking inspiration from the Digital Legacy Conference, our pop-up shops, the Digital Death Survey 2014 & 2015, the Liv-Inforgraphic, David Bowie and a whole lot more. The event is now sold out so follow @DyingMatters and @DeadSocial on Twitter for updates.
To learn about Dying Matters visit
The Digital Legacy Association was announced at this year’s Hospice UK conference. Its purpose is to help support and train hospice and healthcare professionals in areas relating to digital end of life and digital legacy.
The new website contains a free framework for healthcare professionals and carers to download. The purpose of the framework is to empower those providing care to have conversations around death in relation to the internet, social media and internet enabled devices (for example mobile phones).
The Digital Legacy Association encourages all healthcare professionals to read and review the framework regardless of whether or not they use the internet and social media sites.
The framework will be updated on a regular basis with the support of legal experts, digital media professionals, healthcare professionals and the end of life sector.
It is hoped that the framework will help to provide healthcare professionals with the knowledge and confidence to start conversations around this increasingly important area. In doing so it is expected that more people nearing the end of their lives will address these often-complex areas in advanced. The Digital Legacy Association believe that this kind of preplanning will provide increased comfort for the recently bereaved and reduce the amount of time and stress that could have otherwise been caused.
Below is our annual survey exploring themes and attitudes around death in today's digital world. It takes 2-3 minutes to complete. We would really value and appreciate your feedback. Your data will not made public and your input is anonymous (unless you opt-in for further information). The results from the survey will be published and made available for free on our 'research page'.
This Sunday (18th October) we will be running our ‘Digital Legacy Pop-Up Booth’ between 11am-5pm on Braithwaite Street, London. We will have a VW Camper Van set up as a pop up studio for you to record legacy messages to be sent out on your behalf following your death. These will be provided digitally to you (via email) within a day or so.
The BBC will be there filming interviews for a documentary with people interested in creating digital legacies and those recording their farewell messages.
How to find us:
Things you may want to think about before Sunday…
• Don’t wear thin-stripy shirts, as your video may appear fuzzy when viewed.
• Wear something that reflects who you are.
• Consider bringing a photo or an item of sentimental value if you would like it to be shown in your video.
• Be as serious, creative or somber as you see fit. There isn’t a right or wrong way to do this. It’s your video and should reflect you in today’s world. Stuff to think about… You may want to pick one or more of the areas outlined below to include in your video:
• What is important to you?
• Who inspires you?
• Your family history knowledge?
• A story that you would like to be remembered and recited?
• What is your favourite saying (for example: always look on the Brightside of life)
• What are the highlights of your life (so far)?
• What are the low-lights of your life (so far)?
• Where you and your family are from?
• What your life has been like (to date)?
• What advice do you have for those you leave behind?
• What is your favourite music, art, books, aftershave, sports team?
• What are your religious / political views?
• What your hopes and dreams are for your friends and family? …or anything else that springs to mind. It’s YOUR video and your legacy.
…or anything else that springs to mind. It’s YOUR video and your legacy.
DeadSocial are going to be featured on a BBC documentary about digital legacy and death in today's world. We are looking for existing and wannabe new users who wouldn't mind being filmed.
The two filming dates are:
- Tuesday 6th October (Kings Cross, London) 11am-4pm
- Saturday 10th October (Hoxton,, London) 10am-5pm
We will only require about 10-20 minutes of your time. If you fit the profile above please do This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Last week we attended and presented a paper at the ICCM Learning Convention 2015. It was a wonderful event and we came away with plenty of food for thought. The ICCM are an organisation dedicated to developing and promoting best practice in cemeteries and crematoria. They were founded in 1913.
The Learning Convention Programme 2016
The Learning Convention, Gala & Awards
Simon Ferrar from Clandon Wood talking about natural death at the ICCM learning convention
James Norris from DeadSocial highlighting 'what happens to our digital assets when we die'.
Julie Dunk opening the annual ICCM Gala Dinner & Awards
Christopher Falconer from The Heritage Lottery Fund talking about the different projects that have successfully attained grants.
The exhibition hall
The exhibition had a professional yet quirky vibe. The stand shown below for example, were selling crematorium rails!
Adopt a Grave
Our Adopt a Grave programme generated a lot of interest at the ICCM convention. We would like to once again take the opportunity to invite any cemeteries interested in joining the programme to click here.
Thank you
We would like to thank Julie, Blue and the ICCM crew for inviting us to speak and attend this year's convention. For more information about the ICCM visit:
*DeadSocial's 'social media in death and bereavement' paper will be made available from the ICCM for all attendees.
Relevant resources that you may find of interest
- Adopt a Grave NOW for free in a historic cemetery (starting Summer 2016)
- How to create a memorial video from photos using PowerPoint
- Using iTunes playlists to decide what songs should be played at their funeral
- How to Display Photos & videos at funerals
- Sending funeral invitations by email
- What 'Game of Thrones' can teach us about funeral planning
- Arranging a funeral
- Arrange your own funeral
- Design a Family 'Coat of Arms' (like the ones seen in Game of Thrones & Harry Potter)
'The way we grieve has changed...Whereas before we might have visited a grave, we are now turning to social networks'.
'The site now includes tutorials on how to pass on your data and your photos when you are gone
...'Our tutorials show how to create an archive of financial documents for free. There’s also a section called 'funeral tech' which gives handy advice like how to use an iTunes playlist to decide what to play at a funeral'.
To read the full article by the Daily Mail click here
You can't choose your final words in real life but you can online - Buzzfeed.
Areas relating to Digital legacy and DeadSocial starts from around 5 minutes into the video (warning strong language).
Other links you may be interested in?
- DeadSocial's '5 steps to sort out your Digital Legacy' Guide (available in English and Welsh)
- Full Facebook Guide
- Full Twitter Guide
- Full Instagram Guide
- DeadSocial's full list of full list of resources and tutorials