For the 11th year in a row, the average cost of a funeral in the UK rose and now stands at £3,693. That puts the combined average cost of a burial and cremation funeral, almost 3% up on last year and a staggering 88% up on a decade ago. If things carry on like this, by 2020 the average cost of a funeral could have risen to as much as £4,620. (Cost of Dying Report, SunLife 2015).
A category breakdown of what to do ‘when someone dies’ can be read here:
Basic funeral cost
Basic funeral cost (broken down by region)
Inheritance tax tool
Macmillan’s inheritance tax tool provides an estimate on the amount of tax that the taxman will request based on your savings and the value of your estate. This is really easy to understand can be used here.
Macmillan also provide further financial support and resources for those affected by Cancer at http://finance.macmillan.org.uk
Social fund
You may be entitled to receive financial assistance for up to £700 (along with some further additional money to help cover burial or cremation fees) from the UK government’s social fund. This is granted for those in the UK on low incomes. To do so you must make a claim within three months from the date of the deceased’s death. To be eligible you usually need to be claiming benefits due to low income. This might be Housing Benefits, Income Support, Disability allowance etc. The Social Fund will only recover it’s payments from the deceased's estate if the funds are available to do so. More information can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/funeral-payments
Macmillan grant for Cancer
"A Macmillan grant is a one-off payment for adults, young people or children with cancer, to cover a wide range of practical needs. This can include things such as heating bills, extra clothing, or a much needed break. Every week over 600 people receive a grant from Macmillan Cancer Support". http://www.macmillan.org.uk/HowWeCanHelp/FinancialSupport/MacmillanGrants.aspx
Child Funeral Charity
Child Funeral Charity (CFC) assists families financially in England and Wales who have to arrange a funeral for a baby or child aged 16 or under. Financial support is limited to a maximum of £700 per application. More information can be found at: http://childfuneralcharity.org.uk