
If no instructions are given about what to do with someones website once they die you may want to carryout the following:


  • Speak to other friends and family about what the deceased may have wanted.
  • Find out if the website / blog is self hosted (paid for) or hosted for free.
  • If the website is self hosted make sure that the hosting is paid for to ensure that it remains live.
  • Create a backup of the deceased's website or blog using a free tool called 'Site Sucker'. To read a tutorial on how to do this by click here
  • Ensure sure that the deceased's URL (website address) and hosting is paid for. Generally speaking (paid for) hosting is paid for each month and the URL will beed to be renewed every two years.
  • If you do not know who the URL was registered through you may want to use the tool 'WhoIs' to find out. Simply add the URL into the search box 

Who is


  • Try and find out the username and password for the website. Once attained you or a friend will be able to update the website on the deceased's behalf. Tasks may incude sending out a blog post stating that the website author has died and/or updating the website's design, content management system etc. 


What to do if a website by the deceased has been removed


If you are trying to access the website of the deceased and it no longer appears we recommend that you first use 'WhoIs' and contact the hosting provider. If the website or blog has been permanently removed you may want to view the 'Internet Archive' to see if a copy of it still exists. If a copy does exist you can then use SiteSucker to create a backup on your own hard drive to ensure that it is preserved. To read a tutorial of how to backup a website using SiteSucker click here.


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